Anthill Trading

Location: New York, NY, United States

Anthill Trading is a New York based company with worldwide reach. visit our website at

Monday, April 30, 2007

The Power of Song...Music,Messages and Memories on a Giant Screen

With all the trappings of a must see event complete with lines stretching down the block, names to be crossed off VIP lists, and the buzz of anticipation in the sold out crowd, at Sunday night’s Tribeca Film Festival world premiere screening of “Pete Seeger: The Power of Song”, it took but a few moments of screen time for those lucky enough to score admission to realize something special was going on.

A brilliant career retrospective was all the doctor might have ordered but director Jim Brown’s loving respect and admiration for his subject helped to underline the enormous social and political contributions Pete Seeger has made throughout his amazing 88 year journey. To see him on film with Woody Guthrie, the workers, the Weavers, the folkies, the Vietnam war protesters, the environmentalists and most happily with his family was a privilege and yet somewhat humbling.

For any child of the Sixties who heard Phil Ochs, Joan Baez and Bob Dylan speaking their minds in verse this movie is a powerful reminder of the evil that can come from paranoia. Pete Seeger was blacklisted from radio and national television in the United States for almost 17 years for not wanting to be a pawn in their game.

To hear his protest songs that 30 and 40 years later are as or more relevant today only make it more important for any of those in positions of influence who share his sense of decency and need for basic human kindness to rally round and use his career achievements as the standard to which others should try to attain.

Congratulations to the CPI team responsible for paying tribute to a true American icon. May the movie help to enhance the power of song to this and future generations. Peace.

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It's in the News...It Must be True

When not playing in the E Street Band or giving council on The Sopranos, acclaimed guitarist Little Steven supports music that matters on his weekly syndicated radio show
“Underground Garage” and offers up a must read column in Billboard highlighting his coolest songs in the world and his albums of choice. His recent top single? “Weapon of Choice” from Anthill’s newest signing Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. And the same week’s top album? That would be “The Weirdness” by Anthill’s favorite punks The Stooges.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Proud to be Hip

Just because the average order at the bar was four beers per person, had nothing to do with the zealous, to say the least, state of the first of two sold out crowds, at what was for many their first visit to New York and its soon to be fabled Fillmore East ( Part II).

The long awaited return to Manhattan, in support of their critically acclaimed recent CD release “World Container” was nothing short of sensational. A brief set by The Constantines raised the bar, followed by the customary long equipment changeover during which the rites of spring took over temporarily as the somehow divided crowd chanted alternating cries of “Go Sabres Go” and “Let’s Go Rangers!”

But once the Tragically Hip took the stage it was mere moments before all inside this ideal venue realized what a blistering set they were about to witness. No shortness of new songs, old songs, sing a longers, and a few tender ones which made it so memorable. The Bonus… for the many that also have tickets for show two is the realization that the second set list will probably yield a separate array of favorite Hip tracks.

The Anthill bonus? Seeing that the first band to join our roster is as alive, well and vital over 10 years later. Cheers Guys!

The Tragically Hip tour cycle will continue through the rest of ’07. Do not miss the opportunity to see one of rock’s great treasures.

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Who Knew So Few Knew Who's Likely To ?

The passage to spring means much too many. Puppy love, coats into storage, lots more daylight, and for those that have any true sense of competition, it means the start of the quest for the Cup.

Hockey fever has hit Anthill and the 4th annual challenge for bragging rights has begun. This year’s competition features a few original sixers noticeably getting long in the tooth and thick in the middle. Like any good team a few rookies are in the line up as well as two token Americans to add to the Canadian omnipresence. With the first round of playoffs almost over, the standings look something like this:

1. Know it all’s offspring
2. Know it all Senior
3. The Cruncher from Long Island
4-8. Those that picked weak players and are feeling miserable and out of touch (at least for now as it is early days)

So by late May, if anyone still cares, the true winner will emerge and will receive a frozen road apple to remind him/her of the world’s best contact sport.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sticks Not Stones

Could it be that watching hundreds of Rolling Stones performances throughout the globe since 1989 might actually get to you?

Apparently so in the case of west coast based long serving Anthill road manager, Nick Jones.

In a classic “ Let’s get the band back together” moment, that’s exactly what he and the other forty something’s who founded one of Vancouver’s wine before their time exports, The Pointed Sticks did. They are so back in the day that "back in the day" wasn’t even an expression back in the day.

Lead singer Jones and band mates’ world tour commenced last summer, selling out dates in Japan and with a small break to allow Nick to peddle cotton; the Sticks have just completed a whirlwind east coast swing through Toronto and New York following two record breaking hometown sell outs in Vancouver.

“Pure power pop and no senior moments” is how our Anthill reviewer described the band’s recent long overdue NY debut, where the band unveiled its branded Mockware™ featuring Nick’s head superimposed on Lady Liberty herself.

With clips on You Tube and a contract rider borrowed from the Glimmer Twins, it is a small wonder Mr. Jones has agreed to keep his day job. No predictions as to when “creative differences” and solo plans will kick in, although failed record impresario Bud Luxford was spotted hovering around the BC shows.

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And it didn't Rain

No trip to the west should be limited to Southern California despite the great assortment of clients, managers, licensees and great friends based there.

Especially if you get to see a glimpse of Neil Young’s next archive release lovingly being assembled at Lookout Management, or get to do a Santa Monica drive by to visit the friendliest dogs and their minder, Junkfood’s creative whiz Blaine Halvorson.

Or a viewing of the rough cut of the inaugural Zappa Plays Zappa concert DVD and having Dweezil himself offer up highlights of the upcoming tour’s musical focus. Bonus track? How about sifting through Frank’s personal collection of rare Zappa t-shirts so well archived by Gail and re creator of all things ancient, Steve Coe from Worn Free.

An update of the Police tour’s plans for treks to other time zones, gigs by Josh Groban and John Legend and a planning session for Drake Bell’s biggest tour yet, which starts early July, meant that all things LA were accomplished.

The next 24 hours were gorgeous, nostalgic, and lo and behold sunny!

Dinner with 10 Club’s about to no longer be a bachelor Tim Bierman was complete with sushi, sake and smiles.

Lunch the following day with Alice in Chains’ lovely co manager, Susan Silver, featured over sized salads, an even larger pizza and the long forgotten art form – no shop talk!

Besides the customary run along one of the world’s most scenic waterfronts was the highly anticipated visit to Pearl Jam world headquarters. The warehouse, the dogs, the band gear, the rehearsal space, the poster filled walls and most importantly, their key staff, the fan club folks and of course the Curtis Management team who were all putting finishing touches to the logistics for the band’s upcoming Euro tour which is starting in early June, made this long overdue visit perfect.

This year Anthill celebrates its 10th year working with Pearl Jam. At this time, thanks, respect, and best wishes to everyone in the band’s world. Cheers.

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Friday, April 06, 2007

A Legendary Start

Now and again the stars line up. And when the decision to reach out and see if by chance the Anthill approach would appeal to John Legend, it set into motion a series of positive negotiations, shared visions, mutual respect, the introduction to a great new designer and a person whose friendly disposition has endeared him to all of the Ant @ 126 5th.

So congrats to John Legend and thanks to his brother Ron for steering us to a cool range of products that appealed to all elements of the 4500+ sold out opening crowd @UC Irvine. But it is more than merch they loved. A throwback soul revue with the tightest of bands, hippest production, and diversified set list including a duet with very special guest opener Corrine Bailey Rae was beyond what the doctor ordered. John Legend's interaction with the audience and his visible love of performing were front and center.

The message was clear. This was the next generation staking claim. And deservedly.

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Thursday, April 05, 2007


Not content with just designing Anthill's logo, writing four highly acclaimed cookbooks, converting an Airstream trailer into a traveling kitchen and creating an award winning TV series about it, longtime Anthill friend and client Bob Blumer has decided to add to the legacy of this past decade.

Over a splendid meal in pish posh Beverly Hills, the Surreal Gourmet was beaming about his brand new show- Glutton For Punishment - which debuts tonight (April 5) at 9.30pm on the Fine Living Channel. Between bites and sips he described some of the episodes planned for Season 2, which was picked up by Food Network Canada before Season 1 even went to air.

With a new website ( just out of the oven and a new calendar for 08 from Aquarius it is non stop for our west coast (food) chopper. Congratulations Bob!!!

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Catch Ciara and Josh Groban on ABC's Dancing With The Stars

The second couple will be dismissed on "Dancing with the Stars the Results Show," TUESDAY, APRIL 3 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. Grammy-winning recording artist Ciara takes to the stage to perform her hit, "Like a Boy." Music sensation Josh Groban will then sing "So She Dances," as Tony Dovolani and Julianne Hough perform. Be sure to check out these Anthill artists in action.

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Juno's Turn into Furtado Fest !!!!

The 2007 Juno Awards could have been renamed The Nelly Furtado Show, not only was she the host - of which The Toronto Star said " Furtado proved to a terrific choice of Juno host, injecting the proceedings with a healthy dose of modesty and an infectiously offbeat sense of humor"- and a featured performer, but she also proved to be the evening's biggest winner. Nelly's five for five sweep included Album of the Year ( "Loose" - which has logged sales in excess of 10 million copies worldwide) , Artist of the Year, Single of the Year for the track "Promiscuous", Pop Album of the Year and the fan voted Juno Choice Award.

From all of us at Anthill Trading to Nelly and her entire camp we extend a very heartfelt Congratulations !!!

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Drake Bell 2007 Kids Choice For Favorite TV Actor

We just wanted to extend our congratulations to Drake Bell for his 2007 Kids Choice Award win for Favorite Television Actor (Drake & Josh)!!!

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