Location: New York, NY, United States

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Proud to be Hip

Just because the average order at the bar was four beers per person, had nothing to do with the zealous, to say the least, state of the first of two sold out crowds, at what was for many their first visit to New York and its soon to be fabled Fillmore East ( Part II).

The long awaited return to Manhattan, in support of their critically acclaimed recent CD release “World Container” was nothing short of sensational. A brief set by The Constantines raised the bar, followed by the customary long equipment changeover during which the rites of spring took over temporarily as the somehow divided crowd chanted alternating cries of “Go Sabres Go” and “Let’s Go Rangers!”

But once the Tragically Hip took the stage it was mere moments before all inside this ideal venue realized what a blistering set they were about to witness. No shortness of new songs, old songs, sing a longers, and a few tender ones which made it so memorable. The Bonus… for the many that also have tickets for show two is the realization that the second set list will probably yield a separate array of favorite Hip tracks.

The Anthill bonus? Seeing that the first band to join our roster is as alive, well and vital over 10 years later. Cheers Guys!

The Tragically Hip tour cycle will continue through the rest of ’07. Do not miss the opportunity to see one of rock’s great treasures.

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